
Baby Chimp Puts the 'Play' In Playtime

Leave it to a baby chimpanzee to put a new spin on play time.

21-month-old Milou was caught in this viral video jumping, spinning and dizzily collapsing over and over as his fellow chimps remain content in the trees.

“Lots of baby chimps like to spin and turn somersaults and cartwheels as part of their play,” Dr. Sheri Speede, founder and director of the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center that Milou calls home,  told “ Good Morning America.”  “But Milou was spinning and spinning more than I usually see.”

Milou’s ambitious, and fun, 360s do seem to catch up with him toward the end of the video though, as the wide-eyed chimp stumbles into the camera.


“He just thought it was fun. And he is obviously quite a good spinner,” Speede, an American veterinarian who has lived in Cameroon, where the sanctuary is located, for the past 13 years, told “GMA.”

Milou lives at the Sanaga-Yong Rescue Center alongside 71 other chimps, ranging in age from one to over 50-years-old.

The sanctuary is run by In Defense of Animals-Africa, a Cameroon-based non-profit organization that works to protect apes and keep them in their natural habitat.

Watch the “ Play of the Day” tomorrow on “GMA” to see what George, Robin, Josh, Lara and Sam think of Milou’s acrobatic feats!

They’ll also reveal, only on “GMA,” the number one reason you definitely do not want a chimp like Milou as a house pet!