
Man Recreates Romantic Movie Scenes With Dog

The men of the Blue Man Group may be Broadway stars, but now there's a dog in the spotlight. Chris Naka, 30, who works at the show's Chicago offices, has recreated romantic scenes in iconic movies from “Titanic,” to “The Notebook,” to “The Graduate” and more, with his boss’s dog, Wrigley, in a hilarious photo series.

Wrigley, a 13-year-old Beagle who is “entering his George Clooney years,” Naka explained, is a regular around the office. “The idea came about when Wrigley jumped into my lap during work one day and I spread his ears like Leonardo DiCaprio holding out Kate Winslet's arms in 'Titanic,'” he said. Things quickly escalated when Naka and his boss, Wrigley’s owner Kristen Doss, decided to take one photo a day on their lunch break. He even went so far as to attempt the iconic kiss from “Spiderman,” placing a dog treat between his teeth to score the shot.

Since he shared the photos on Reddit last month, they have gone viral, reaching as far as a friend in Hong Kong, Naka explained in an email to "[He] sent me a web-link to a Taiwanese news site that has the pictures posted with the headline (loosely translated), ‘My boss starting doing all these romantic gestures with his dog after he got divorced,’” Naka wrote. Despite the misinterpretation, Naka's glad the world is enjoying the photos.