
Massive python found in Florida Everglades

Holy Herpetology! Burmese Python Found With Record 87 Eggs
Researchers prepare to examine the insides of a 17-foot-7-inch Burmese python found in Florida's Everglades. The lengthy python, weighing some 164 pounds, was carrying 87 eggs in its oviducts, they found. (Photo from Aug. 10, 2012) (University of Florida photo by Kristen Grace/Florida Museum of Natural History)

A double record-setting Burmese python has been found in the Florida Everglades. At 17 feet, 7 inches (5.3 meters) in length, it is the largest snake of its kind found in the state and it was carrying a record 87 eggs. Scientists say the finding highlights how dangerously comfortable the invasive species has become in its new home. (LiveScience)